Episode 56: What Gets You To Success?
Mar 23, 2022
To show my appreciation for ya'll, here's a BONUS EPISODE!
We all desire success in some form. A successful relationship, marriage, or family. A successful job, education, or place to live. We even want to be successful in fun things like our hobbies, or just be successful in making it from Monday to Friday all in one piece.
So what's the secret to achieving success? It's 100% all of what goes on in your head. It's not circumstances, it's not that other people are more suited for it. Those are all just stories played on repeat in your brain. But you were made for more.
Your desires can definitely be reached and you can find success. But it comes in gaining that mindset and feeling of success and learning how to talk to your brain. This is why I'm teaching you how to begin finding success and stop letting things like anxiety child you back from reaching your dreams.
Sign Up for my free class, How to Break Up With Anxiety, Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:30 pm. right here!
Learn more about my 6-week transformation from anxious to confident in your free coaching session today!
Jennie Dildine, the LDS Mission Coach, helping preparing, currently serving, and return missionaries: https://jenniedildine.com/
Experience the Power of Coaching for Yourself!
Anxiety about ANYTHING in your life can be relieved
in just 30 minutes.
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